J. Gresham Machen Bibliography

Guide to the works of J. Gresham Machen (1881–1937). Scholar. Preacher. Founder of Westminster Theological Seminary. Leader in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

JOHN GRESHAM MACHEN (July 28, 1881 – January 1, 1937) taught New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary from 1906 to 1929. In 1929, he and others would start Westminster Theological Seminary as a school that would “will endeavor by God’s grace to continue that tradition unimpaired; it will endeavor, not on a foundation of equivocation and compromise, but on an honest foundation of devotion to God’s Word, to maintain the same principles that the old Princeton maintained”.

Machen was a prolific writer and speaker. A bibliography of Machen’s worked published in Pressing Towards the Mark (sadly out of print) by James Dennison and Grace Mullen totaled 25 pages. The contents of this website are based on that monumental compilation. I have attempted to update the bibliography with more recent re-publications of Machens work as well as link to the original sources where available.

If you’ve never read Machen, I recommend reading Christianity vs. Modern Liberalism, a lecture related to his classic book Christianity and Liberalism. Follow this by Machen’s autobiography piece from 5 years before his death entitled Christianity in Conflict.

Among Machen’s books, every Christian should read Christianity and Liberalism and What is Faith?.

To learn more about Machen and his context I recommend:

I have compiled a number of other links to resources on Machen here.

Within the bibliography, the icon 🔗 indicates a link to where you can obtain the original source. The icon 📖 indicates that the full text is available here at readmachen.com.

Finally, I welcome any feedback you have on this bibliographic website; in particular, if you notice any errors, missing pieces, or know where I can get digital editions of any the original sources, please submit feedback below.

Tim Hopper, Raleigh, NC, August 2019

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